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우수 구두 발표상 및 우수 포스터 발표상 수상자 선정 안내

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 299

[우수 구두 발표상 및 우수 포스터 발표상 수상자 선정 안내]

2024년도 11월 20일(수)- 22일(금), 제주 부영호텔에서 개최한 제73회 한국분석과학회 추계 학술대회에서

우수 구두 발표상(포스터 간략구두) 및 우수 포스터상 수상자가 아래와 같이 선정되었습니다.

수상을 진심을 축하드리며, 아래의 서류를 20250124일까지 koanal88@naver.com으로 회신주시기 바랍니다.


1. 상장 받으실 주소

2. 상금지급 관련 서류(통장사본, 신분증 사본)

3. 수상자 한글 성함-영문으로 기재했을 경우 회신 필요(포스터 저자 이름도 모두 한글로 회신 요청)

상장과 상금은 25년도 2월초에 입금 및 발송 될 예정이오니, 일정 등 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

우수 구두 발표상

PT-041 Chemical Profiling of Sesame Oils from Asian Regions

PT-100 AI-Driven Doping Detection Using LOOCV to Address Data Imbalance in Mass Spectrometry Analysis

PF-008 Serum proteome altered due to residual impairment at remission status of depression is associated with immune and inflammatory responses

PF-077 Development of DI-INME-GC/MS Analysis Method for Steroid Hormones in Sweat using GO;PANI/PDA Adsorbent

PF-088 Develop FeN4 Catalyst for Highly Sensitive and Selective Electrochemical Detection of H2O2
Thu Thuy Bui(한양대학교)

PF-099 Synthesis of boronic acid-functionalized nanomaterial for enrichment of glycopeptides in human serum
Mohamed Adly Gab-Allah(충남대학교)



우수 포스터 발표상

PT-024 Enhancing Accuracy of LIBS-Based k-NN Models for Classifying Roasted Coffee Beans
채희수1, 남상호1,2,3, 이용훈1,2,3,
1,국립목포대학교 자연과학대학 화학과, 2,국립목포대학교 공과대학 에너지화학공학과,
3,국립목포대학교 플라즈마분광분석센터

PT-029 Geographical origin of Korean potatoes in terms of nutritional components and volatile compounds
Ji Yun Lee1, Yong-Ik Jin2, Ye-Eun Lee1, Hae Won Jang1,
1Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Sungshin Women's University,
2Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA

PT-043 Microplastics analysis in diverse salts using pyrolyzer-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
Jihye Kwon1, Hui-Seung Kang2, Jong-Hyun Choi2, Atsushi Watanabe3, Young-Min Kim1,4,
1,Department of Environmental System Engineering, Daegu University,
2New Hazardous Substances Division, National Institute of Food & Drug Safety Evaluation,
3Frontier Laboratories Ltd., Japan, 4R&D Center, PyroSolution

PT-053 LC-HRMS를 이용한 하수처리시설 미량오염물질 변환특성 연구
김창수1, 천소정1, 윤정기1, 강대호2, 전준호2, 이재호1,
1,국립환경과학원 환경기반연구부 상하수도연구과, 2창원대학교 환경공학과

PT-057 Evaluation of harmful chemical emission characteristics in e-liquid aerosols from various electronic cigarette devices
Seung-Gwan Oh1, Min-Jun Jo1, Yong-Hyun Kim1,2,3,
1Department of Environment & Energy, Jeonbuk National University,
2,School of Civil, Environmental, Resources and Energy Engineering, Jeonbuk National University, 3,Soil Environment Research Center, Jeonbuk national University

PT-113 Determination of aripiprazole, blonanserin, and their metabolites in human urine by automated online μSPE-LC-MS/MS method
Yeong Eun Sim, Minyoul Kim, Jae-il Lee and Jin Young Kim
Forensic Genetics & Chemistry Division, Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, Seoul 06590, Republic of Korea

PT-127 LIBS를 이용한 폐배터리 리사이클링 소재의 원소 조성 신속 분석 기술
김선혜, 홍성달, 기수빈, 정세훈
포항산업과학연구원 분석평가센터

PF-028 Analytical Evaluation of MCC950 Brain Penetration in a Rodent Model using LC-MS/MS
Hana Park1, Sung-Hyun Yoon2, Je-Wook Yu2, Yoeseph Cho1, Hyun Jeong Lee1,
Soohyun Heo1,3, Saeyeon Park1,3, Sungmin Hwang1,3, Jihwan Moon1,3, Junghyun Son1,
1Doping Control Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Institute for Immunology and Immunological Diseases, Yonsei University College of Medicine,

          3Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University College of Life Science and Biotechnology

PF-043 A comprehensive mechanism study of extractive combined with oxidation for the removal of environmental pollutants from model oil
Boyeon Bae1, Seulgi Kang1, Yua Kang1, Jingyan Chen1, Yeonjeong Jung1, Hyokyeong Gwon1, Chaeha Kim1, Jihwan Kim1, Jeongmi Lee1,
1School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University

PF-067 Method development for quantitative analysis of the glutathione in health supplements by LC-MS/MS
Yeo Woon Koo1,2, Duck-Hyun Kim1, Kun Cho1,2,
1Bio-chemical Analysis Team, Center for Research Equipment, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBIS), Cheongju, 28119, Republic of Korea

PF-091 Characterization of Exosomes Enriched from Human Saliva Using Polymer-Based Enrichment Method
최다인, 김정권
충남대학교 화학과

PF-115 CRISPR/Cas12a-assisted SERS sensor for detection of ATP
Yujin Lee1, Toeun Kim1, Hongki Kim1,
1국립공주대학교 화학과

PF-125 Comparison of different vessel materials in ultrasound-assisted extraction
Nguyen Van Kien, Ha-Eun Kim, Jae Jeong Ryoo
Department of Chemistry Education, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 41566, South Korea.

